Detail in the Multicellular Stage

You’ve definitely set a new record for longest paragraph at 845 words, lol, :slight_smile:

Yeah I agree and I think we are all on pretty much the same page.

I think the principles are that

  1. each tissue should have an underlying cell. By editing the underlying cell you change the properties of the tissue.

  2. there isn’t an optimal cell to create, there’s a range of optimal cells which gives you some choice in how the tissue will function.

With how this would work, with the fat blobs example, it could work like this. If you have x fat blobs and y cytoplasm and z total organelles in the cell then you get

storage = max_storage * (x/z)


rate_of_energy_release = max_rate * (y/z)

So you can choose x and y to give you the ratios you want. Moreover it makes sense to remove unwanted organelles from the cell (you can’t remove the nucleus but you can get rid of chloroplasts and mitochondria etc) because they will contribute to z but not to x and y.

These formulae could be applied to any cell which would give you a measure of how good it was as a fat cell, regardless of what the player was designing it for. Another example is muscle and might be ratio of mitochondria to myofibrils (or something like that) and again this would let you balance the stats and have the formula applicable to any cell (most cells would have 0 myofibrils and so would score 0 for strength).

However I think we don’t want to go too far with this system. I think the player should design <10 underlying cells. I think there’s not a huge amount of point in getting the player to design 100 different cells to go into the liver, for example, it will just take too long and get boring. I guess it depends how many mutation points you get each editing session but I don’t think people will want to be in the multicellular for “that long”. If you can only partially edit 1 cell each time you go to the editor then you have to go 10 times just to edit each cell once. If there are 50 underlying cells then you have to go 50 times to edit each one once.

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