Depicting the 3D Environment

Yeah, how and if the player will be able to disable DoF and how that will look is still an issue we’ll have to discuss.
But I agree with hhyyrylainen that we probably won’t be able to wholly evade using DoF in one form or another.

In the game Pikmin you are the size of a juvenile ant or something and the game still manages to give a decent sense of small scale on the GameCube, along with other games from that time period that involve small things. There was no DoF on GameCube games and many of the games are still decently good looking. (mostly because they’re not realistic)

I think there’s better ways than making expensive operations necessary.

Alright, I’m sure we can consider using other effects. It’s not like we’re making any final decisions here. I just think DoF is an option we shouldn’t rule out from the get-go.
Two other games which adequately portray a tiny scale from what I can tell from looking at footage are Drunk on Nectar and Insect Worlds.

Links to the Steam Pages of Drunk on Nectar and Insect World

Nature And Life - Drunk On Nectar on Steam
Insect Worlds on Steam

Drunk on Nectar doesn’t seem to have DoF while Insect World does. From what I can tell the system requirements are similar, but that might be because Drunk on Nectar arguably looks overall prettier than Insect Worlds.

Note that all three of these games don’t really portray a microcopic scale, but rather the scale of bugs which are about 1-3cm big.


It’s something we can work through, we’ll figure this stuff out.

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Why are we not planning to use the 3d environment in the microbe stage? It honestly should be 3D, just on a smaller scale?

Difficulty in reimplementing everything. Unless someone can port over the compound clouds, editor, and AI to 3D, we’d be essentially starting a new game from almost scratch.

Edit: also forgot that we don’t have 3D membranes yet. I think if anyone wants us to make the cell stage 3D, making 3D membranes would be a first step to show how serious they are, and even if we didn’t take the leap the 3D membranes is a feature we need anyway.

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