Day and Night

But I 100% think there should be some visual indication of time of day in the environment. It would be highly confusing for players to see a fully lit background at the dead of night.

Agreed! But note that in many cases players will not be affected by day & night, which is why I suggest leaving these players completely ignorant of the time of the day. As such, they will not be confused by a fully lit background at the dead of night, because for starters they will not know that it is night!

And even for predators, imagin that you see some motile plants that suddenly stop moving at all. YOu donā€™t understand why, but they do it consistently. And then, you unlock day/night perception, and finally realize that they operated very logically; they simply knew more than you! I for one find it very engaging an idea.

I think most players would perceive that as broken AI rather than something interesting.

Iā€™m sorry, I just donā€™t think itā€™s sensible to hide this from the player, for a couple of reasons at least.

  1. We advertise the relevant update as having a day/night cycle, people flock to play it, they donā€™t see a day/night cycle happening, they complain. Based on current experiences with realistic but unclear mechanics (budding reproduction in particular), this will certainly happen many times.

  2. When players evolve photosynthesis, they probably wonā€™t be expecting the environment to start cycling in light level, and wonā€™t be prepared for it. When they consequently die during the night, they will absolutely perceive this as the game being unfair. Showing them the cycle before they make such a change would prepare them a lot better.


These points are fair, but again then we will just encounter similar issues when weā€™ll start introducing senses: they will move to a species being able to perceive everything to one not being to perceive anything, or soā€¦ I agree what I propose is not perfect, but I find your proposal just to be delaying the problem - for when it will require a major overhaul.

We advertise the relevant update as having a day/night cycle

Why couldnā€™t we specify it to be specific to plants? Also, using an icon to tell daytime (but markedly disabled for non relevant species) is one way to show it is there, and explain how it works in the tooltip.

When players evolve photosynthesis, they probably wonā€™t be expecting the environment to start cycling in light level, and wonā€™t be prepared for it.

Here, a warning for photosynthesis organelles (in the tooltip) could be a way to make them aware of it. Also, the aforementioned icon could help too.

Even better would be a button to switch between night and day conditions in the editor to show compound balance in both conditions. Maybe then if the player tries to exit the editor with photosynthetic organelles but hasnā€™t checked the night view, we warn them in a popup like the ā€˜ATP too lowā€™ warning.

I guess I just fundamentally disagree with sacrificing clarity for realism here (seems to be a theme in things Iā€™m arguing about today). Iā€™ll wait to see what the others say.


Agreed, although Iā€™ve been trying to point out that the other choices comes, too, with losses of clarity (more info to proceed while not useful, not getting prepared for likely future mechanisms about sensesā€¦). Furthermore, I think it could provide some interesting gameplay (sacrificing energy for more information that could be helpful in chasing plants, seemingly weird behaviors that find an explanation - which is a very interesting part of IRL biologyā€¦).

In the end, realism is more of a balance tiper. But yes, letā€™s see what other thinks of it. :wink:

Given a time of day, how do we plan on getting luminosity?

Since no one else has commented on this but implementation work has steamed ahead (see graphics on Discord), Iā€™ll post a poll to decide this.

When should the environment visibly dim to show the day/night cycle?
  • Always
  • Only when the player has photosynthesis organelles
  • Other (please comment)

0 voters

I think it should always show the day/night cycle, but only in patches that are actually affected. At the bottom of the ocean you wonā€™t be able to tell if it is night or day so I donā€™t think those visuals should change. I remember reading that light only goes down a few hundred meters in water so any patches below that should just look the way they always are as there isnā€™t any sunlight down there anyway.


Thatā€™s the plan I believe. Shader checks for light levels only possible in certain patches now.

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Patch definition has light level in it.

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Iā€™ve tested whatā€™s on the branch so far and itā€™s very cool. I think the total cycle length is maybe too short, and I think the transition periods are way too quick. Would be better if they were more gradual.

This looks like a pretty clear result to me Iā€™m afraid @Maxonovien.

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No need to deepen the wound haha.

More seriously, I still think there are ways to get the best of both worlds, but nothing prevents going along with the majority (quasi-unanimity, even) right now and see how players react to it. I think day/night cycle is a great addition anyways.

I might perhaps try my hand at a fleshed out proposal later on so that people can judge on piece, but thatā€™s nowhere near a priority. It will always be time to reopen these discussions when weā€™ll have to deal with senses (and that wonā€™t be before some time, probably).


I do think it warrants more discussion and thought, because I agree with you that itā€™s kicking the senses question down the road. But right now it makes much more sense to stick with the simpler option. Iā€™ll look forward to your expanded concept.

Played around with it for about 10 minutes and really liked the changes. I really liked seeing the visual change of lighting.

Only thing was that I felt like the transitions happened too quickly. You go from dark to light in 5-ish seconds. I would slow that down to 20-30 seconds.

Other than that one point it all looks and plays well for me.

constantly tweaking transitions and the length of different states is why a state machine is nice.

Iā€™ll implement something tomorrow.

Did you notice how I managed to make twilight orange? I wanna make it based on the wavelength of the star in the future.

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Yes that twilight colour I really liked.

One thing that did stand out to me is that the cells and compound clouds donā€™t change colour based on the lighting. Before it was less noticeable, but now you notice it more during dawn and dusk since the light level is actively changing. But I think thereā€™s nothing we can do about that in the Day/Night PR.

I can implement that, I already did actually. I just didnā€™t push those changes because, they are not acceptable to me right now. If you look at an old screenshot I took with the purple cell, the lighting is totally different than normal

Oooh okay yeah I would be interested in testing that when you get a chance to implement it!

What about implementing that by changing the colour of the sunlight directional light in the scene?