Microbe Stage Terrain Generation and Features

Here is a summary of patch terrain based on the above discussions.

We are in a need for terrain in the Microbe Stage. We can’t just make floating walls for cosmetic and accuracy concerns, so we need to represent terrain through floating rocks.

The idea is that terrain is essentially the nature and spawning density of rocks across different patches. In certain patches, the spawning of these objects would increase, so that said patch would require more navigation. In other patches, these rocks would be smaller and would be more affected by currents.

Ice Shelves - Harsh, rigid, still. Ice shelves could probably share similar assets with the shallow seas and other surface patches, but would also benefit from additional structures made of ice. These larger ice structures will hurt the player upon contact.

Tidepools - Fluctuating. Representing the in-flow and out-flow of the tides, structures will be mixed between heavy, larger structures, and less-heavy, smaller rocks which will move with the currents. Spawning of larger structures is present, but the mix is more towards smaller objects. Again, these could probably share similar assets to other surface patches.

Hydrothermal Vents - Buzzing and towering. Spawning will be plenty, with terrain composed of larger structures that moves every so slightly. They will give the impression of jutting out/towering a bit, reflecting the pillar nature of a vent.

Estuary - Dynamic. We want smaller structures here that move with the currents, reflecting an environment that is constantly moving with the sea. Similar to the tidepool, except without any larger stones; just smaller rocks, drifting around.

Shallow Seas - Bustling, active, full of life. Spawning of terrain here will probably be the “default”; structures aren’t that big, but do exist around some areas.

Ocean Floor - Cagey, constricted. There will be crevices and crannies, and large walls blocking the player, requiring navigation around. Think long structures curving in odd shapes, intersecting with other rocks to create edges and contained areas.

Underwater Cave - Cluttered, contained. There will be large rocks, similar to that of the ocean floor, except not spawning in a way that necessitates navigation.

Abyss - Alien, bizarre. Terrain will be uncommon, save for a few smaller assets spawning in. They would be oddly shaped and be weird looking materials, not common in other environments.

Additional input for each patch is provided here, though these extend into more than just terrain: Patch Map Improvements - #6 by Deus

Note that there is a constraint brought up by Hh:

“If the current chunk limit is taken into account it would be much more performance friendly to have large chunks of terrain, like for example a “mountain range” that is a single model and collision would be much more performant than trying to simulate the same kind of terrain with 30 times more chunks.”

Beyond that constraint, and the above prompts for each patch, there really isn’t much else demanded of these items. If more information is needed, do let me know.