Kemikal is working on Patch Generation however, I think our lack of clarity on what a patch even is holds him back. It’s not a word with any basis in the real world, and every time it gets brought up, that one thread about Patches gets slightly longer (in the past) or mass discord discussion occurs.
Rephrasing what I said on discord:
A patch is an area of uniform conditions and existing species. So to create patches you first start off with the biomes on a planet and you start creating a patch for each biome area. And you just merge area into the single patch until you hit another biome or a major obstacle. That way the patch is an abstraction of a possible habitat for a species (the same biome with mostly the same conditions and no major obstacles so that the species can spread to the entire patch at once).
Regarding building a hex based sphere patches can be generated in the following way:
Basically I think you can start by assigning biomes to each hex on your sphere and then merging next to each other hexes with the same biome to be a single patch. If you hit some kind of major obstacle then you need to split the area spanning the biome into multiple patches is out now: