Specialization and Unique Gameplay

Replying very late due to this thread appearing just as I headed out for my break.

This sounds exactly like the planned thermosynthesis gameplay (moving between host and cold spots, otherwise it stops working). Maybe it’d be better to implement this feature fully first before planning some new stuff to see how well it is received?

I think this goes a bit too hard in a “game” direction.

Fully agree with this:

This is a pretty easy to test idea, if anyone wants to make this change. I also don’t foresee it breaking the game balance too badly so it might be also easy to approve and merge in.

Yep, but I hope at least the latter half of 2024 can be basically all just working through the microbe roadmap for me. Which is also a bit of a problem as I plan to only really work on the roadmap items and skip anything not accepted onto the roadmap. The whole point of the roadmap is that we can at some point call the microbe stage done and move forward.

So the unfortunate truth is that these unique mechanics will need multiple enthusiastic volunteers to see them through. Otherwise they will just be forever on an idea level.

This could work. Emphasis on could even now most discussions kind of just fizzle out so who would be responsible for writing down stuff? It’s easy enough to open a new organization project on github where people can just write whatever ideas they want as drafts. But I foresee that becoming also a such a huge list that you cannot reasonably find anything there. It’ll be basically be the same as here on forums: use the search feature to see if what you want to talk about is already on the board / has a discussion thread.