Surface Area, Volume, and Ratios

Upon reviewing this concept, I still think it is important to introduce more design challenges for the player to contend with. Based on discussions above, I ultimately think three things would sufficiently present a good level of detail for the player to consider the holistic composition of their organism:

  1. Implement a non-linear osmoregulation cost that scales with size. This will represent the challenges volume presents to the player and provide a way to counter huge size.

  2. Count the number of exposed surfaces. Or this could just be the number of hexes on the outside of the cell if that works better. We would just need a number to base effects on environmental tolerances, toxin resistance, and (if agreed upon) health.

  3. Implement the surface-adjacency bonuses proposed by Buckly to locally represent the benefits of surface exposure. This will make balancing easier and introduces another level of decision making so players are thinking a bit more than “what part do I need”.

1 is already discussed in the context of general balancing, so 2 and 3 are really the proposals unique to this thread. I do think they are worthwhile additions.