The Sessile Question

That’s a good point. I was conflating the two without thinking much about it. Ultimately, it wouldn’t be a game mode based on time-acceleration and in fact would be a game mode based on a strategic overlook. Like you said, “time-acceleration” would just be an abstraction of time, not time in the game literarily being sped up.

I didn’t agree with you at first, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized you were getting at something. I will say that we should eventually develop an “intricate” plant game-mode, but you are right in mentioning that a decent chunk of players are currently attracted to sessile gameplay as is just because it’s such an odd subset of gameplay.

We are planning to include factors like surface area and the such anyways. If we extend these mechanics in the simplest of ways to organisms which keep chloroplasts from the Microbe Stage, we can have a bootleg simulation of sessile gameplay regardless. That might just be enough until we decide we have enough meat on the macroscopic stage to expand laterally as you said. And again, I do think we should expand - but it’s soothing to know that we don’t have to expand there right away.

Thanks Thim. You’ve helped me make peace with with this “we will definitely never get anything done if we include elaborate sessile gameplay” thought train I’ve been brewing!