Web Presence Improvements

I think it would be cool / I would be up for being on a podcast discussing those suggested topics in 8.
Many of those topics would really benefit from having @crovea or @Moopli join the podcast.

I think we could setup a trello board where people could move tasks around as they do/plan to do them. And then put a preview of that on the website. This would fix the biggest issue I currently have with the roadmad thread/wiki page which is that I (or most other devs, too?) can’t add stuff or mark that they made progress on something. Unreal Engine does this type of thing: Trello but with like “TODO”, “IN PROGRESS”, “DONE” lists with tasks in them.

I can certainly try. But recently I’ve been thinking about the issue again, as I’ve been waiting for jjonj to review my changes for the past 3 weeks. And I think such cases would take way less time if we used a premade engine, so I’d preferably try to get some input on the reasoning. But I could certainly at least list all the points that have been made.

I could also just write a technical overview of all the things going on and what’s created in what language, as I think a few people have asked that.