0.7.1 Release Planning

I again realized that I forgot to make a release planning thread again after the previous release.

We are now fully in the 0.7.x era of the microbe roadmap. The current status can be seen here:

Already quite a good number of features are done in that section, so I expect that we’ll probably only need one to two releases to complete that section entirely.

I’ve already created the milestone and filled it with hanging on issues that have yet to be done for previous releases:

Giving some extra focus to those hanging on issues would be pretty nice. Especially as many of them are about polishing up features that were in 0.7.0.

I already got to fixing various bugs in 0.7.0 that were reported for it already, and upgraded us to Godot 4.3. I’ll continue doing a few small things and housekeeping stuff, but once I’m done I’ll start to pick off the easier / bigger 0.7.x roadmap items at full speed. Things I haven’t picked up yet others are free to grab from the roadmap and work on. And also of course later roadmap phases, as the more issues are crossed off before we get there the faster that roadmap section will go.

So what are your plans for what to work on for the next release?


I will primarily focus on learning a bit more of the codebase to be more familiar with balancing, and on making sure our concepts related to dynamic environments are somewhat consistent and reviewed for holes before we reach 0.8. Besides that, I hav been on a bit of a thought train regarding the macroscopic editor so I might pursue that on the side, as well as some thoughts about the early multicellular stage.