With 0.7.1 out now and the roadmap for 0.7.x looking very short (I updated the roadmap today and removed done items) let’s talk about making the next release 0.8.0. I think we can make it as there aren’t any other difficult open tasks other than the dynamic compound production (which I’ll consider done well enough if we can make a few of the other compound types and chunks to dynamically vary in their amounts).
Also I split up the remaining microbe roadmap into two parts: the “easy” stuff I can do relatively quickly and the things that are much harder (for me) and would take disproportionately a lot of time to either do or tweak to be good. So I will greatly appreciate anyone helping out with any of the things categorized difficult. Of course also if anyone wants to work on the easier items, that’s also fine, but check first on github that I haven’t already assigned that to myself and started working on it.
I’ve created the milestone on GitHub:
I kept quite a few of the open issues from 0.7.1 that have been hanging around for multiple releases already without being picked up. Those would also be pretty awesome tasks if someone wants to pick them up.
I tentatively set the release date for 0.8.0 to be 21st of December so that we have a good chunk of time to work on it and we’ll still get the release out this year. Here’s the remaining roadmap items, which I think we can complete in time:
- Create a cache that is stored on disk for PhotoStudio (for better reworked auto-evo report performance)
- Add a way for the player to control organelle split order (maybe could be skipped as there’s not been that much feedback lately about this being a major pain point)
- Implement someplace that shows the used energy sources per species (probably can just add the miche tree to the editor)
- Add best organelle suggestion shown in the editor
- Compound production, photosynthesis implemented, other compounds not generated yet. Also diffusion of compounds between patches may need some math changes.
- Timeline should not claim the player is extinct if rescued by external effects
Make extinct in patch auto-evo result say split off(maybe no longer can happen with new auto-evo)- Make auto-evo not claim a species is extinct if external effects rescue it
Of course also taking any of the 0.8.x roadmap items already is totally fine.
I think I’ll start by finishing the PhotoStudio stuff I started (in 0.7.1) with the disk cache, and then quickly put the miche tree in the editor (though I think for general understandability it should get a different node graphic for species versus the miches, though this can be made into a new issue that might some day get done). Once those are done pretty quickly, I’ll either do the organelle split order or suggested organelle in the editor. And then the other one. If no one else has taken the hard issues by that point, then I’ll need to work on them to get them done. But I think it is doable to finish these items by December.
So any takers for the stuff I’m not immediately working on from the roadmap / what is everyone planning on working on?