Building a release checklist

Currently only I’m the one who usually remembers all the things we need to do for a release. I’d like to make sure we don’t forget something related to making a new release. To help with that I’ve started to collect a checklist that we can make as an issue template on the organization repo ( then each time a release is coming up a new issue can be created with a blank checklist. Then we can work through the list to not forget any part of the release.

Here’s what I have so far:

  • [ ] 9 days before release: check open PRs to see if any is close enough to done so that they can be pushed to be finished
  • [ ] Ask on discord if people are up for a release podcast
  • [ ] Mention on discord that feature freeze has started
  • [ ] 7 days before release: merge open PRs from weblate (first push all pending changes from weblate)
  • [ ] Run scripts/update_translation_progress.rb
  • [ ] Make a release candidate and post on the community forums and discord (use DevCenter file hosting for the downloads)
  • [ ] Post announcement on Weblate when deadline for translations is (2 days before the release at the end of the day)
  • [ ] Enable the auto comment on PRs about feature freeze
  • [ ] Start drafting the release on Github
  • [ ] Post the patch notes draft on discord so that devblog can start
  • [ ] Get someone (or our usual trailer guy) to start working on a trailer
  • [ ] Make a livestream event on Youtube if there are probably enough people for it
  • [ ] 1 day before release: merge last small fix PRs
  • [ ] Merge last translations PR (first push all pending changes from weblate)
  • [ ] Make sure trailer is ready to go
  • [ ] Run scripts/update_translation_progress.rb
  • [ ] Update credits with scripts/retrieve_credits.rb
  • [ ] On the day of release: compile and upload builds to Github release draft
  • [ ] Publish the release on Github
  • [ ] Update the launcher repo to have the new version listed in the launcher
  • [ ] Publish the trailer on our Youtube channel
  • [ ] Publish the devblog
  • [ ] Link the release on Github to the devblog and link the trailer in the devblog
  • [ ] Have the release livestream

Please mention anything I’ve forgotten.


Some new items: Steam and itch beta channel updates and testing before pushing to stable, and also making sure save upgraders are fine if save compatibility is not meant to be broken.

Just created the first checklist for 0.5.6 (a bit late as I missed some of the early items):

Let me know if someone needs to do something for the release not mentioned on the list.