Context-dependent hints are one thing in Thrive that can seriously help us manage information overload. It can be hard to understand exactly what is being asked of you in a sandbox, so some well-placed, dynamic information can really alter player expectations, let them know what to do, and inform them of some important strategies.
I have listed a few suggestions here based on some common areas of confused feedback we get. I of course am not sure of the relative difficulty of various triggers for the hint, so these can be altered.
More suggestions are welcome; as well as feedback on areas that you guys most frequently see the most confusion about with this game.
Trigger: Placing a part which causes a significant change in editor auto-evo predictions.
Text: Don’t worry yourself too much when the Auto-Evo Predictor rapidly fluctuates; your population is much more influenced by your own performance rather than auto-evo.
Organism Metabolism
Trigger: High glucose production as a plant, but weak ATP production.
Text: You need to use the glucose you are generating. Placing hydrogenosomes, metabolosomes, or mitochondria can help you produce more ATP.
Trigger: ATP demands exceeding ATP input at rest.
Text: You need more energy than you are currently producing.
Trigger: ATP demands are met at rest, but are close to net-zero or negative when moving.
Text: You produce enough ATP to sustain your organism, but not enough to support its movement mechanism for long. Consider placing more energy producing parts if you wish to be motile.
Patch Map
Trigger: Shift in atmospheric conditions of a patch.
Text: Atmospheric conditions in this patch are shifting. This may impact your organism’s metabolism, especially if the shift happened in a compound or gas you depend on.
Trigger: Player lives in a patch with a low presence of their preferred compounds.
Text: This patch is limited in the resources you need. Consider adjusting your organism’s metabolism or trying to migrate away.
Trigger: Clicking a patch outside your species’ environmental tolerances, which results in an impact on population.
Text: Your organism has a preference for conditions not present in the currently selected patch. Reviewing organism statistics and managing your population can help you maintain your existing population.
Trigger: Engulfing atleast two organisms with toxins that damage you.
Text: This organism’s toxin damages you when you engulf it. Consider finding other prey, or adapting immunity.
Trigger: Numerous attempts to engulf something too big for you to consume.
Text: Consider adding cytoplasm or more parts to increase your organism’s engulfing capacity.