Explaining the auto-evo prediction to the player

Also in general regarding the auto-evo, I think we should consider moving away from the text based description.

My idea regarding this is to basically have vertically scrolling list of boxes, where each box has a single species in it. The box would have the name, total population, and then icons to show which patches it is in, migrations, a big X could be over the box if it is extinct. There’s also be probably good place to put a picture of the microbe in the box, and perhaps a picture of the species before/after a mutation.

I think that way it would be much more visually interesting to see the report. Perhaps lines between boxes could also show prey/predator relationships, and the box could show the maybe top 3 food sources the species uses in auto-evo. I think with icons and small numbers (with tooltips explaining what the parts are) we can make a lot more useful information available in a digestible way to the player.

If people think this is a good idea, I could throw together a quick mockup in Godot showing how I would roughly make it.

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