Multicellular Stage: Status & Ideas?

So I was curious to hear what the state-of-affairs is with regards to the Multicellular Stage. It’s because I have some rough proposals myself that I’m (for now) considering writing up somewhere, but I also don’t wanna rain on anyone’s parade. I could try to summarize current proposals on the wiki somewhere (talk page or dedicated future concepts page), if you’d like, and then mix in my own. I can see Buckly has already done a write-up, so maybe I should wait until he’s finished the wiki page on the topic here:

I can see many interesting proposals on the forum here, but am unsure which of these are still current:

Multicellular stage: The beginning

Detail in the Multicellular Stage

Whereas these proposals are interesting and well-thought through, I think you’d be interested in hearing me out, because I think we can introduce some relatively simple principles that do not only reflect the science to a reasonably high degree, but are also both powerful and versatile enough to be programmed. A lot of this will basically follow the highly simplified, yet accurate summary of the state of affairs I present in both my previous video and the upcoming one in the “Alien Biosphere Evolution”-series.

So far as concrete ideas (that have been recently been kept alive) for the multicellular stage are basically:

  1. A new organelle binding agents are added (probably locked behind the nucleus)
  2. When you have binding agents you can enter binding mode where if you touch another cell of your species you get stuck together.
  3. When cells are stuck together they share their compounds and get some other bonuses.
  4. Everything else still works the same that when you reproduce you start off again with a single cell.

Eventually once you get enough cells together at once, you could then get on to the multicellular “proper” and start making specialized cells. And get some other reproduction strategy than budding.

I’d be interested to hear if you have something to add to this, or if you want to discuss the later parts of multicellular. So far only the transition to multicellular has been discussed recently as that should be strived to be included in the game before everyone gets carried away by planning farther off future features.

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I have not touched any of the multicellular pages, and am still working on the microbial stage one. After that I am likely going to work on the pages for the development teams so if you want to fill out that page, by all means go ahead.

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All right, good to know! My video on body patterning is a week or two away still, so I will use this period to mull over ways to apply its subject matter to the multicellular stage. The good thing is that writing for the video forced me to generalize and simplify current insights on the developmental biology of metazoans, from cnidarians to vertebrates. I think this will help boiling it down to concepts that presumably will be codeable, computable and playable in the end.

With the regards to the transition from microbe to multi-cell stage, I do have some remarks already. The proposed idea of “catching” foreign cells (even if it is the same species) and incorporate these into a multicellular whole does sound like fun gameplay, but I feel it’s starting to depart a little bit too far from biological reality. Obviously, we shouldn’t sacrifice too much gameplay on the alter of science, but I think it’s worth exploring concepts that are more accurate to see if they’re not just as fun/codeable, if not more.

Introducing “binding agents” is the way forward in any case, so I support that. However, instead of catching foreign cells, I’d propose a system of budding through cellular division. I imagine something like this:

  1. Some time after acquiring the nucleus, the player can access the “binding agent” trait.
  2. When “binding agents” are added, the player can then continue to acquire resources for cell division the usual way.
  3. However, instead of going into the cell editor again, after having gathered enough resources, the player can opt for “budding”, meaning that an exact copy of the cell is attached to the parent cell.
  4. I can imagine the player being able select what side the new cell should be added or some such.
  5. When the budding process is completed and confirmed by the player, the new unit can continue in unison, forewarning double trouble in the primordial ocean.
  6. This process can continue until the player has acquired enough cells (and perhaps certain other traits like “junction agents”; see below) to enter the multi-cell stage.

This is perhaps a good example of how a few tweaks can result in something that is both a low-threshold continuation of current gameplay, fun and actually truer to the science at the same time!

I don’t even think we need to go deeper than this, but for interest I can recommend a cursory look at the following article, of which the illustrations and diagrams alone are already quite elucidating:

In animals, there are basically two main types of molecular agents involved in multicellularity:

  1. Collagen (or similar), which is basically “intercellular glue” of fibrous molecules wrapping around and wrangling neighbouring cells together in an extracellular matrix.
  2. Junction proteins which act like rivets going through adjacent membranes tying them together. There are different kinds of junctions, some of which anchor the cells to collagen fibers and others form conduits for sharing resources or even signals and thus enable intercellular communication.

Now, to simplify all of this, we could just conflate it as “binding agents” and that is fine. Or maybe we could fork it into two, as what we perhaps in-game could call “junction agents” (which I already hinted at) give special abilities.

But again: I think the simple little scenario above the horizontal line should already be good enough.

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I think this is a wonderful idea Phrenotopian! It has crossed my mind before that this sort of replication should probably lead to multicellularity rather than hunting down other cells to adhere to, and I’m glad that you have proposed this. The only issue that gives me pause is figuring out how best to implement player control over how to shape their organism after dividing or budding before entering the multicelluar stage, but perhaps that will not be needed.

When it comes to having the choice between budding or evolution I would personally prefer it to be connected with the editor rather than an option between evolution or mere reproduction. we could perhaps integrate the budding option within the editor with a potential MP cost or the likes.

I think the adhesion proteins could feasibly tie in very well with previously discussed features such as something like the Slots Concept proposed by TJwhale, or potentially the Behavior Editor.


I have always kind of imagined it this way:
When you have binding agent (or something else that unlocks the ability to add more cells to your colony) You get the option to add a kopi of your cell to your colony in the editor(eventually you will be able to edit them individually or in groups, pretty much the same way as a single celled organism right now) whatever you make in the editor could represent the “mature” version of the organism.

Now when you exit the editor you will play as a “young” version of your organism, which consist of only one cell, the original one (I guess this could be defined in the editor at some point). When you have enough resources to split, you wont enter the editor the same way as you usually would, instead the cell that splits off will attach itself to the original. When all the cells that represent the “mature” version has formed, a new “baby cell” will be ejected from the colony and you will enter the editor again. (Some time way down the line this could lead to somekind of parenting/nesting behaviors. I dont know if this is present among these simple colony type of creatures, but would be kinda cool)

This way you still use the editor to design your creature and simulate a time jump.

I guess evolution points would be much more valuable to this point as i dont imagine it to be “cheap” to add an entire kopi of your cell… I could be wrong though, I just make trailers :stuck_out_tongue:

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The idea behind you starting off not being able to add more cells to your organism just when unlocking binding agents, was about modeling cell colonies / organisms that can still live as individual cells but can also form colonies when they bunch together with other cells of their species.

So with the steps I posted above, the player would first become a species that can form cell colonies, and then evolve to a stage where they can become multicellular and add copies of their cell to their body plan.

I think this design was discussed based on the idea that cells would have likely first evolved to be able to live in cell colonies before true multicellularity.

This is exactly what would happen after the player enters the true multicellular stage (contrasted to the colony phase I mentioned above), and before they evolve other reproduction strategies.


I’m guessing that may be inspired by the fact that sponges (the simplest known multicellular animals) have the ability to reassemble their colonies from a loose collection of free-swimming cells, and sponges have long been regarded as the most primitive of animals (Parazoa). However, first of all, only cells from an original colony (starting from a single founder cell) will reassemble and not coopt random other cells of the same species, afaik. More importantly, modern insights suggest that this may be a secondary adaptation in the sponge lineage and that Ctenophores may be the earliest offshoot, and not sponges. So the simplest animals were perhaps a blastula-like vesicle akin the placozoa.

The process of “budding” as in sticking together right after mitosis is now seen as the path to multicellularity. Spherical choanoflagellates like Sphaeroeca volvox are models of these primordial animals, although other forms also exist like e.g. strings. mats or branches. In fact, it’s apparently very easy to induce multicellular forms in normally unicellular eukaryotes like e.g. yeast, which can be made to form “snowflakes”: How yeast go multicellular | Nature

Nevertheless, I’m all for “Why not both?”, so -as suggested- we could have:

  1. The acquisition of “binding factors” enabling catching foreign cells.
  2. This gives the ability to catch foreign cells for extra protection/force
  3. The acquisition of e.g. “junction factors” then opens the door for multicellularity
  4. This will result in an option popping up to add cells to their design

The details of the last step is subject to further discussion.


OK, to adjust and nuance what I wrote earlier: Cellular slime molds like Dictyostelids are able to attain transitional multicellularity by loose cells aggregating into units that can form crawling slug-like forms and stationary fruiting bodies. And that does correspond with the original gameplay scenario of loose cells coming together. Also, this is mediated by cell-to-cell adhesion proteins, i.e. “binding factors”. Still, true animal-style multicellularity departs from dividing cells staying together.

But, yeah, let’s have both! :slight_smile:

OK, it may be informative with the following highlights from the article:

A. “Multicellular organisms typically develop in one of two ways, either through division without cell separation or through cell aggregation. The first mode of multicellular development is exemplified by organisms like plants, animals and fungi while the second mode, a less common strategy among eukaryotes, is nicely illustrated by the dictyostelid slime molds.”

B: “Many of the multicellular lineages present on earth today evolved from unicellular ancestors with rigid cell walls [like] land plants, fungi, and red and brown algae […]. For these cells, adhesion is a passive process very different from the intimate cellular associations found in animals and Dictyostelids; physical connections are established as new cells form and the resulting attachments between cells are stabilized and maintained throughout life. This type of multicellular development, in which cells divide and remain linked by their shared cell wall, has important implications for the developing organism as the cells cannot reposition themselves after cytokinesis.”

C: " animal cells lack cell walls, permitting them to adhere dynamically and reorganize into complex tissues and organs during development. In contrast, […] a cell wall […] provides structural integrity but prohibits cell rearrangement."

So, in summary, there are two main pathways (A) for achieving multicellularity:

  1. Division without cell separation (plants, fungi & animals)
  2. Aggregration of formerly disassociated cells (dictyostelid slime molds)

And there are two modes (B) of multicellularity:

  1. cell wall linkage (algae, plants & fungi)
  2. collagenous matrix embedment (animals)

The aggregative pathway (A1) is highly transitional and it’s hard to see how to arrive at an integral multicellular that way. The cell wall linkage mode (B1) is much more limiting and rigid and clearly only has yielded passive life forms.

So to boil it down for to something very simple in-game, it would make sense to stick to these phases:


  1. Prokaryotic phase Simple prokaryote-like cell
  2. Eukaryotic phase With the acquisition of nucleus
  3. Aggregative phase Like A1 and with the acquisition of “binding factors”
  4. Multicellular phase Like B2 and with the acquisition of “junction factors”

The latter phase will then set things up for the transition to the MULTICELLULAR STAGE.

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I like this plan, as it makes a clear path for progressing forwards in the game:

  • get nucleus, unlocks binding agents organelle
  • add binding agents and go around binding to other cells you find
  • after some condition is satisfied you get the junction (?) organelle
  • now you can design a body plan that gets filled out with cells as you divide. Once you have filled out the body plan you get to the editor and can modify the body plan. After that you start as a single cell again and start filling out your body plan again
  • after you have big enough body you can make specialized cell types in your body plan
  • then once you have big enough body plan, you switch away from the microbe view, and now place tissues instead of individual cells. This will be kind of a hard transition as the cells won’t be drawn anymore, instead the player will only see “big” creatures like themselves

I’m fine with hunting down cells to bind with, but I feel it could get pretty tedious for the player to have to repeat that process several times. Maybe after the first time or two the player will begin producing cells to fill out their bodyplan when consuming phosphates and ammonia instead of simply enabling reproduction. The player could still hunt down other cells to bind with, but they could also produce more cells themselves to help alleviate the potential tedium.
Other than that? I love this plan!

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I’m all for diversity of options and there’s no reason for the player to have to bind foreign cells, when they acquire “binding factors”. However, hhyyrylainen has a point in a stepwise sequence of abilities being a common and clear path to progression in gameplay. Nevertheless, I do recall that after every cell editor intermission the gameplay starts with the parent cell being close by. If they’re quick, a player can catch that cell and kinda have a simple “division without separation” already.

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I do think thats something thats going to be changed. I have personally found it a bit weird that all the same cells are still around you when you exit the editor, since it represents a huge time jump

I think it has been discussed a lot already, and it has been decided that things will stick around when you go to the editor (unless you switch patches), as otherwise it is a free “get away from a predator” button.

ah i see

Stumbled upon this paper dealing with “Synthetic multicellular organisms” which actually does a good job summing matters up.

It’s still a bit technical, but I think this figure gives a good and relevant illustration for the overall steps towards multicell:


Where might we turn for a first look at what genetic and epigenetic modules are needed to engineer multicellularity? […] Genomic and proteomic analysis has shown that, remarkably, components of many of the genetic systems once thought specific to metazoans and bilaterians […] and thought to be crucial in the development and maintenance of complex forms are present in choanoflagellates […] Some of these pathways (e.g., cadherins) appear to have arisen before multicellularity, were involved in environmental and prey–predator detection, and were coopted during the transition.


A fifth observation, likely to be emergent, is that choanoflagellate colonies appear to form not due to aggregation, but due to non-separation after division (with the concomitant production of a matrix and cell junctions).

A bit more on cadherins:

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Some thoughts on how we can transition from the simple, cell-to-cell editor to dealing with a macroscopic body plan. Parts of this concept depend on talk related to how the editor will work, so it isn’t a self-contained concept. But it should serve what I think is a robust outline for how we can transition out of the microscope.


As Nunz stated, we are on the backend of development for the Microbe Stage. We are focusing less and less on implementing small pieces and are focusing more and more on the puzzle as a whole. As such, it is important to identify the general idea for transitioning away from the Microbe Stage and towards the Multicellular Stage. That way, as we start filing down the rough edges of the current stage, we can be assured that we are heading towards the same direction, and that that direction is the best possible way forward.

The biggest challenge represented by the Multicellular Stage is the transition from unicellular/simple multicellular editing of individual cells to dealing with an entire organism. We obviously can’t charge the player with having to finetune every single cell type that goes in a complex organism’s morphology; that would require a lot of individual, incredibly in-depth parts, such as contractile vacuoles and neuron sheaths, digestive cilia, etc., and would require a lot of knowledge on the hand of the player to adequately put together a creature out of these endless cellular variations. There are pretty long-established concepts regarding this need to simplify things - namely, that the editor will transition away from editing individual cells and instead editing tissues. But beyond that brief synopsis, there is barely any meat to the concept (as far as I am aware). But have no fear, for Deus has a scheme.

My idea essentially would involve incorporating germ layers into the game. Germ layers serve as the backbone of embryology, but they are incredibly important in phylogenetic analysis of Metazoans as a whole, and have very profound insights on evolution.

I’d like to note two things. First, while I am decently familiar with germ layers as a whole, embryology and developmental biology as a whole are incredibly complex and difficult topics, so I am by no means very well-versed in the topic and would really appreciate input from theorists and the team as a whole. And second, while I believe plants and fungi have analogous cell differentiation structures, I haven’t looked into them yet. So this addresses the animal-analogue part of Thrive. I plan to address plant evolution when I add on to the sessile gameplay concept I shared with you guys on Discord.


Germ layers are most commonly used in the context of embryo development. They refer to one of three layers of cells in an embryo, and are important because each of these layers specializes into different types of cells.

There are three germ layers: the endoderm, the mesoderm, and the ectoderm. The endoderm is the innermost layer of cells. The cells which form the endoderm differentiate into the digestive tract (including the mouth opening and the anus opening) and digestive organs, the basis of the respiratory tube, the endocrine system, auditory system, and urinary system. The mesoderm is the middle layer of cells, and mesodermal cells differentiate into muscles, bones, the circulatory system, and various other advanced tissues that augment other organ systems, such as developing into lung/gill muscles from the endodermal root provided by the respiratory system. And the ectoderm, the outermost layer, differentiates into cells which form the epidermis and the nervous system (including the brain and spinal cord).

The Embryo Project Encyclopedia is a great source of information for the above concepts. Here is a page for the Endoderm, and other pages can be accessed through the search bar: Endoderm | The Embryo Project Encyclopedia

Germ layers are evolutionary significant because they are important phylogenetic markers. When we talk about organisms possessing differentiated tissues, we are really talking about organisms possessing germ layers. Sponges technically have at most 12 different “types” of cells, but aren’t considered to have differentiated tissues because they don’t have germ layers - actually, they technically only have a single germ layer, but it can’t really be classified as endodermal, mesodermal, or ectodermal in the same way more complex body plans can be. The most simple animals - Porifera, the phylum which encompasses the sponges - only have a single germ layer. Ctenaphora and Cnidaria contain two germ layers, the endoderm and the ectoderm, and are referred to as diploblastic animals. All other animal groups - the remaining invertebrates and the vertebrates - are triploblastic, having the ability to develop muscles and skeletons.

An area of research involves tracing the evolution of endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm throughout phylogeny. Diploblastic organisms evolved from multicellular animals without dedicated germ layers, and triploblastic organisms evolved from diploblastic animals - that much is clear. There is a loose understanding of how diploblasty evolved, and I can pull up more research for that later. The gap between diploblasty and triploblasty, however, is a bit less easy to span because modern diploblastic and triploblastic organisms appear to be very different. It is likely that a flatworm-like creature was the basal triploblast. Platyhelminthes are considered to be the most simple of all triploblasts, lacking a dedicated circulatory or respiratory system.


At some point in the early multicellular stage, the player reaches a threshold; instead of individually dealing with editing types of cells and placing each individual cell down in the editor, a general body-plan is presented (what is this threshold; number of cells, an unlock?).

In their next trip to the editor, instead of the familiar microscopic interface, the player is looking at a very simple, soft-bodied wormlike blob. Although their previous cellular composition influences the abilities this worm creature has - if they had toxins they retain that ability to inject/secrete, if they had mitochondria they are aerobic, etc. - they are no longer able to place organelles/proteins. Instead, the player notices they are now able to interact with larger parts - appendages, eyespots, and more (we need to think up of some of the most basal components we’ll offer the player in the earliest macroscopic stages). They’ll also notice the editor has changed slightly: the three tabs are now “Structure”, containing the parts to be placed, “Body Plan”, which I will describe, and “Behavior”, which affects the organism’s behavior.

“Body Plan” replaces the “Membrane” tab, and it deals with widespread changes to the germ layers your creature has rather than placing specific parts. Because the basic macroscopic organism is diploblastic, that would mean there would be two “sections”: the Ectoderm and the Endoderm.

The Ectoderm deals with the “skin” of your organism, so it behaves somewhat similarly to the previous Membrane tab. Just as membrane types previously existed in the microbe/early-multicellular stages, similar membrane types also exist in the macroscopic editor. For example, a chitinous ectoderm would be analogous to flexible exo-skeleton as is seen in arthropods, a calcium carbonate ectoderm would indicate the creation of a rigid yet robust shell as is seen in clams and snails, and double ectoderm would be analogous to “basic”, uncovered yet versatile skin as is seen in most animals. Ectodermal thickness can have implications on movement and temperature resistance, and

The endoderm will represent the start of messing with the organ systems with your organism, and contains the roots of various important systems within them. Containing the roots of the digestive tract, the respiratory system, (and the endocrine system if we see the need to include it/come up with fun gameplay options), some limited customization options will be present already in diploblastic organisms. For example, the digestive tract can allow customization of diet based on membrane, and can be customized to allow more storage and somehow correspond to digestive efficiency (how quickly you extract energy from food in your gut). Perhaps more storage means less efficiency while less storage means more efficiency? There can be many ways of dealing with this.

The basal respiratory system can have a slider related to oxygen-intake efficiency. Higher oxygen-intake efficiency gives you more energy quickly but burns through your energy source quicker, meaning you’ll need to be more ravenous, and also meaning your organism doesn’t do well in low-oxygen settings, such as the deeper ocean. Slower oxygen-intake efficiency gives you less energy but burns through your energy source slower, meaning you’ll have slower metabolism while also perhaps allowing you to live in the ocean depths. There is a bunch of customization options with the respiratory system I can envision related to invertebrate respiratory systems, but let’s make sure the basic idea of this concept is accepted before we spend a lot of time on that.

The mesoderm will of course be missing at first in diploblastic organisms. Until then, the area in between the endoderm and ectoderm will be filled by mesoglea - the gelatinous material found in Cnidaria and Porifera which can be composed of both acellular and cellular material (question for theorists: is mesoglea assumed to be basal for all diploblastic animals or is it a unique adaptation to certain diploblasts?). A lack of mesoderm means the player will have limited options in regards to functionality drawn from mesoglea. However, one important function can be related to the organism’s density, and thus, whether your diploblastic animal drifts or crawls on the ocean floor: the more mesoglea, the less energy your organism needs to float above the surface of the water. As such, we can have a slider denoting the amount of mesoglea in your organism for now - more mesoglea means a lighter, more floaty organism akin to jellyfish, more agile and nimble yet more vulnerable to currents and with less health, while less mesoglea means a denser, more durable benthic organism with limited ability to get off the ocean floor. When the player evolves mesodermal cells, the mesoglea’s functions (density) will be replaced by some of the added customization options - for example, bone density and air bladders composed of mesodermal cells can fill in mesoglea’s function.

Adopting the mesoderm will replace this mesoglea with muscles, and will almost serve as the “nucleus” of the late multicellular stage, catapulting the player towards the early Aware stage. The mesoderm will allow the roots of organ systems provided by the endoderm to expand in creativity and function, increasing the efficiency of the respiratory system with an upgrade and allowing the adaptation of advanced gills and lungs. The evolution of mesoderm will allow the evolution of bone tissue, allowing the evolution of a spinal cord, and eventually, parts like vertebrate limbs, skulls, teeth, etc.; and for organisms with chitin, the evolution of advanced muscles will allow the evolution of segmentation and arthropod appendages. There’s a lot we can discuss with the mesoderm, but again, for now, I want to make sure the basic idea makes sense.

A very basic and sucky Paint concept from me of how it can look like with a ctenaphore-inspired analogue. I tried to create a GUI for the editor, but I’m not very good as you can see.

Note: I didn’t address mesoderm a lot for a reason. The mesoderm really allows the proliferation of organ systems as you might see from me mentioning bones, circulatory system, etc. Many organ systems involve a root provided by the endoderm and expanded upon by mesodermal tissue. There’s a lot of flexibility there of course, but I want to make sure the basic idea is robust enough for you guys, and I want to make sure that the closer future of Thrive is more perfectly addressed.


I think this idea presents a very flexible and game-friendly way to represent the evolution of an organism from a simple multicellular organism to a complex organism with a general body plan. However, there are still questions remaining. This concept of course relates heavily with concepts for the 3D editor, so there’s a bit of a gray area where I’m not exactly sure how to deal with specific cool adaptations we see in life today.

Here are a list of questions and observations…

  1. Sponges and the Such - Sponges only have a single germ layer, but are still macroscopic organisms. This ties into the conversation surrounding sessile gameplay, and I had some thoughts about that I shared with you guys, but how could we represent such organisms?
  2. Ectoderm Details - How do we deal with, and balance, the player having multiple types of ectoderm? For example, a player who wants a shell they can retract into would probably be eying calcium carbonate or chitin, but they wouldn’t want all of their organism’s ectoderm to be rigid; they’d still want a soft-bodied part. Perhaps a specific part in the Structure tab can deal with this?
  3. Transitions, Transitions, Transitions - How will we incorporate the transition to diploblasty, and from diploblasty to triploblasty? For the former, I’d assume we’d want something else rather than “get x amount of cells and click a button in gameplay”. For the latter, it’s a matter of limiting progression fairly. I didn’t cover the nervous system here although it is a component of the ectoderm; perhaps developing a very simple nervous system will transition you to editing a body plan, and upgrading the nervous system will transition you to triploblasty? But then there’s the question of how to represent the nervous system; maybe it can be an upgrade in the Body Plan section of the simple multicellular stage as is seen in game now, where you can click a button that automatically creates a nervous system after you are generating a certain amount of ATP?
  4. Plants and Animals - Plants have analogous structure to germ layers within them: dermal, ground, and vascular tissue. How do we deal with that transition for that path of life? Perhaps we should rename “germ layers” to something a bit more neutral, and have different adaptations for organisms that have chloroplasts. Ties into the question of sessile gameplay/editors.
  5. Different “Types” of Editors - I put the word types in quotation marks because we just need different “tools” within the same macroscopic editor instead of completely different editors. I think we’d want different “tools” for soft-bodied organisms like jellyfish and worms and molluscs and the such, vertebrate organisms with internal skeletal structures, and exo-skeleton organisms with external skeletal structures such as in arthropods. For example, vertebrates would inherently edit their morphology first by adding bones for limbs and skulls and the such; it wouldn’t be realistic to have a arthropod-analogue organism be edited through similar tools because arthropods edit morphology through segmentation rather than through internal skeletal editing. The good news is that there are analogues and overlaps. For example, nothing stops a soft-bodied appendage, such as gills on axolotl, from appearing on vertebrates, limbs across vertebrates and arthropods are basically identical, etc.
  6. Worm World - I think the basic “template” organism we can expect to see in Thrive is a worm-like organism; for example, I anticipate the player’s basic animal which emerges from the microscopic-macroscopic editor transition to be a worm-like creature. From this worm, different customization options can be attached to allow the player and auto-evo to expand in morphology. A somewhat similar trend is apparent in real evolutionary history - there appears to have been a “worm world” a bit before the Cambrian.
  7. Organ System Variance - There are differences in organ systems observed across Eumetazoans. For example, arthropods have an open circulatory system whereas most other “higher” animals have a closed, tubular circulatory system. An open digestive system has an entrance (the mouth) and an end (the anus) whereas a closed digestive system only has one opening for both waste and input. We can have “variants” of organ systems with their own attached benefits and shortcomings, so that could be a future area of much discussion.

One last note: I think a good way to measure the strength of a concept related to the editor/progression question is asking yourself if the concept can realistically create a specific unique organism you have in mind. For example, if an editor concept can create a coral, a jellyfish, an insect, and a vertebrate, I feel like that’s a robust concept.


Alright, so here’s my added two cents to this idea-

It’s pretty obvious that people don’t want just straight up fully formed limbs, but more customizable limbs that can be morphed and changed over a period of time, but we also need something that is able to sense it’s a limb, so things can walk easier, so here’s my idea:

Basically, limbs are formed through connecters, giving the player control on where and how they’re placed. The could also be different kinds of limb parts. Some to bulk up limbs, some to make limbs more tentacle like or fin like, maybe textures that affect heat or toughness of skin, etc.

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@Deus I really like the overall idea of using germ layers to make the differenciation of cells more understandable and streamlined.
I was watching a video about germ layers when a question popped back into my mind: Do you know if it would be possible for alien life to develop analogous functions to our bodily functions but develop them out of a different germ layer? For example is there a reason why reproductive organs would always develop out of the mesoderm layer? Could alien life not develop reproductive organs out of the ectoderm?
I like the idsa of using germ layers, but I wouldn‘t want to restrict life to evolve completely parallel to LAWK if there isn‘t a reason why certain organs would only ever evolve from certain germ layers.

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