I think it would be good to make some progress with understanding which organelles we’re going to have and how they are going to work in the game.
As a decision: we’re going to delay organelle upgrades. Lets sort out which organelles we want and get them in the game with models and play with them. Then we can decide as a team if we want upgrades or not. If the game is very complicated already then we don’t want to go overboard however upgrades could also be fun.
To discuss in this thread:
Here is @NickTheNick 's list of organelles / mutations. I think it’s really strong on realism, which is great.
Re proteins, what do you think? Should we:
A. Have all changes you make to your cell be a placeable set of hexes. So if you want anti-freeze proteins you have to place them as a hex in your cell. This is a bit less realistic I imagine but makes everything the same, to change your cell you add or subtract hexes. Moreover it balances proteins because they’ll make you slower and larger.
B. Give the nucleus a certain amount of slots, maybe 4, in which you can load a protein. So from a list of 9-10 you can choose 4. This gives a good incentive to get a nucleus, it also is an interesting choice when choosing additional agent resistance vs heat resistance, for example. It balances proteins, because putting one in means leaving another one out. It may also be more realistic.
One thing in favor of slots is that they are easy to implement. Each protein needs an icon and a description and that’s about it. So it will help with quickly building out the functionality as we don’t need to make more models for the hexes.
C. Do you have another idea for how to get proteins in to the editor?
Something I am against is having proteins be upgrades without drawbacks. Like if your nucleus had 20 slots, for example, every cell in the game would use all proteins, there’d be no reason not to have all of them. I think this reduces diversity and is not interesting for the player, as getting all the proteins just means grinding MP and I am really against grind.
Re specific organelles:
In the DNA section, for now, lets have a single nucleus / nucleic core which cells either have or they don’t. We can then talk about splitting it up into multiple pieces / levels as part of the upgrades discussion and talk about things like increased “brain power” as @andross was suggesting.
Directed Cilia: What does it do that helps the player? Is there a gameplay function for it to have?
Pilli: I liked @Atrox 's image here for several different types. What do you all think of those ideas?
Contractile fibers: they sound like an upgrade to pseudopodic movement, how would they be added? Are they a single hex or a protein or something else? It’s worth managing our expectations around pseudopodic movement, we’ll have to see what the membrane system can handle. I love the idea of amoeba and there are technical challenges in this direction.
Fused cell wall: I’m not sure I understand how two daughter cells can stay fused together and then reproduce. How is this differentiated from adhesion proteins?
Microvilli: how does this help the player? If this is a lot of work to change the membrane then it might be quite a lot of work to implement so it’s only worth doing if it’s really a good adaptation.
Fat Granule: Does this function differently from a vacuole? If I can store ammonia + phosphates what benefit is it to store fat instead? Does it make sense to save this organelle for the multicellular as a way of specializing cells as storage?
Lysosomes: What do they do in gameplay terms? Would 5% reduction in compounds needed for reproduction as you can process food more efficiently work?
Peroxisomes: Does 5% agent resistance sound cool?
Eyespot: I really like eyespot. I wondered if it could be directional? So if you point it at the edge of the screen and there is a lightspot off the screen then the edge glows, as is suggested in this thread. That way it’s an active gameplay thing where you have to spin around to find the light.
Nitogenase: Presumably it makes ammonia from N2, is that right? If so it could be an organelle which just gives a small flow of ammonia. Would make sense if it upgraded into a nitrogen fixing plastid.
Aerobic / Photosynthetic proteins: I liked the idea for these as precursors to chloroplasts and mitochondria and I liked @Narotiza 's designs.
If we went with slots in the nucleus then does it make sense to have Nitogenase and Aerobic and Photosyntheic proteins be hexes (so that small prokaryotes can use them) and have the other proteins go in the slots in the nucleus?
Tannosome: what gameplay effect does this have? Could be a protein? Could be a counter to the straw pilus, as in if another cell harvests some of your compounds they get damaged? I think if it hurts cells after they’ve engulfed you then no one will use it because it’s too late. It’s like trying to collect on your own life insurance.
Also something that would be great as a team activity would be to look for other organelles that exist on earth which we haven’t considered yet. For example the eyespot is really cool and if we can find anything else like that that gives us loads of strength. I had a lookhere but there wasn’t anything that promising I don’t think. @rastro I wondered if you might be good at this.
Something to add to the list would be acid resistance protein, as @NickTheNick suggested in the acid discussion. Does anyone else have organelles they would like to add?