Here we will compile the list of settings the player can define before starting a new game.
Homeworld Type: Planet, Satellite, Random
Satellites (If homeworld is a planet): Yes, No, Random
Satellite Number (If planet has moons): [Enter number], Random
Terrestrial to Aquatic Ratio: Fully terrestrial, Mostly terrestrial, Balanced, Mostly aquatic, Fully aquatic, Not
"Fully aquatic", Random
AI Difficulty: Hard, Medium, Easy
Mutation Budget: Unlimited, Double, Normal
Generation Length: Long, Normal, Short
NPC Evolution Rate: Fast, Normal, Slow
Natural Disaster Frequency: Frequent, Normal, Uncommon, Never
Life as We Know It: Yes, No
Starting Biome: Tidepool, Hydrothermal Vent, Shallow Ocean, Stromatolites
Compounds: Abundant, Normal, Rare
Endocytosis Chance: Certain, High, Normal, Low
Since there are so many starting options, and there will be tons more when the game is fleshed out, it’d be a good idea to allow the use and creation of presets. The game would ship with a few, and the player could make some of their own, or download ones other players have made on the forums.
Some ideas for presets would be:
Classic (Normal or random settings for everything, LAWK on, etc.)
Terracentric (Start on a balanced land to water planet with one satellite, normal settings, LAWK on, etc.)
Hardcore (All the hardest options, high disaster rates, slow evolution rates, fully random homeworld, etc.)