As you may have noticed, this forum looks a little different than it did the other week. I would have addressed it at the time but have been busy recently. Apologies for the rather blunt post, I’d just like to get a few things off my chest.
First off, I switched the home page to categories instead of latest. It still shows the latest threads on desktop. I personally prefer the way it looks like this, although others may think differently. Let me know if you’d like to revert back. After much frustration, I was also able to add the website links in the header. I’m thinking of standardising the navigation menu for the website, dev forum and community forum since right now few newcomers may know that the others exist if they find one.
This thread is for discussing thoughts on both these forums and the community ones.
In the latest Devblog, we (I) said we’d start threads on the community forum promoting intelligent yet non-development focused discussion. My first attempt didn’t exactly last long. The idea for these threads came from a conversation with @Seregon, who said he missed the rigorous but speculative nature of discussions on the old forum back in ~2012. I want to make it clear to everyone developer reading: those threads are primarily for you. We’re hoping interesting discussions arising there will make developers more motivated to work on the game and stick around longer. On the flip side, we’re relying on ourselves to make them work. If no one bothers to start them or contribute to the first few posts, the idea is useless and nobody will find motivation. We have a great team of moderators now, and they’ve been instructed that such posts will require stricter moderation guidelines.
Similarly, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: we need to use this forum more. @NickTheNick made some extensive and useful posts recently on our next steps here and here, but so far little discussion has actually taken place on them. I think we’ve gotten far too used to Slack, and while it has its advantages, we end up seeming dead to most of the outside world and all our discussions fade into the forgotten realm of scroll up land.
I’m not sure how to fix this, and I feel bad for insisting people go here for discussion, so what’s should we do about it? We’ve had plenty of discussions on what would motivate us to work on the game further, and I personally would find motivation if we had an active public presence of (mostly) useful development discussion. I think others would like this as well, but the whole thing’s a Catch-22 and breaks down as soon as a few people become less active for a while.