Offline Thread

Welcome back! Also I liked your post on auto-evo, I’m excited to see where it goes.

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Hey guys back from an extended absence, I’m going to spend the next week or two trying to catch up on what I missed!


Reviving this thread because why not?

I’m going to be very busy until the end of May. I would like to stay away from Thrive as much as possible in that time to stop myself getting distracted. I’ll check in on things but doubt I’ll be involved in any discussions.

After that though, I’ll be free and ready to get to some programming work.


Posting here because although I communicated this on discord like 20 days ago on discord, I think it would be good organizational practice to use and continue using this thread for the future.

I’m going to be moving around a lot until atleast early July, so I won’t have as much time to commit to Thrive. I’ll still be able to chime in on design in short bits and keep up with the discussion, but I probably can’t reliably test small tweaks and offer feedback on GitHub. I will make sure to make it a more consistent habit after this period of time.


After being unexpectedly away for 2 weeks, I can say I will expectedly be away for 2 weeks again from late July to early August. I’ll try to work out a few things next week.


Going on a two week trip tomorrow so will be less active. My priorities once I get back are to finish setting up the dev environment, then work on the Mutation Point Modifier, Biome Ambient SFX, and the Phagocytosis Ability trait (if there’s agreement for it).


College begins on Aug 17 and I (as a freshman) don’t know whether I will have time (or how much time I will have) to work on Thrive. What is certain is that I will be less active and may only participate in discord discussions (and may be able to code a bit on weekends just like half a year before). After adapting to my college schedule, I will notify you of how I will continue participating.


I’m starting a full time job tomorrow. Preparing for that (moving, etc.) has taken up more time than I’d hoped, which is why I haven’t been able to contribute as much this release cycle.

While I should still have a fair amount of free time (at least compared to university), I doubt I’ll have much willingness to do software development as both work and recreation. I know many people do, but probably not me.

I’ll make as much effort as I can to help with 0.5.10 and tie up my loose ends afterwards (finish fossilisation and my other WIP PRs, try some more performance testing/improvements, have a go at the thermosynthesis revamp) and I’ll still be around in the background. But I’d like to become less involved over the next few months so I can focus on other things. Being properly employed may force me to do that anyway, but we’ll see.


I’ll be taking a vacation / break from working on Thrive for the next two weeks (I’ll be back in January). This’ll be my first time taking time off since starting as an employee working on Thrive. I’ll still be online and available for emergency things, but for non-emergency things I’ll try to just passively kind of keep up with whatever is happening. So ping me if there is an emergency.

I’ve setup an auto comment on Github PRs asking people’s patience on getting reviews from other programmers. I’m hoping other programmers can pick up the task of reviewing pull requests, adding tags to opened PRs and issues and putting them on the planning board etc. housekeeping stuff I do on Github.
I think if multiple people (after checking the style guide and gameplay) think a PR is perfect, I think it’ll be fine to merge as long as the merge approach set out in the style guide is followed. At the latest I’ll catch up on any pending PRs and other stuff once I’m back.


I’ve been pretty inactive recently since my semester has busied up and I’ve been taking a lot of extracurricular classes, so I’ve had less time to put into Thrive. I will likely still be busy for a month or so. I’m definitely around though, so ping me if you would for some reason like my input on something!


I’ll be taking my first real vacation since starting working on Thrive as a paid employee. I’m not counting the few days off I took for last Christmas as a real vacation as it didn’t require trying to rearrange things. This is going to be the first proper-length vacation. From now on I’ll be taking time off regularly to use up my PTO.

So I’ll be gone starting the first Monday of July (3th of July) for four (4) weeks, until 2023-07-31T06:00:00Z.

I’ll avoid being involved with Thrive discussions, forums etc. that I usually do multiple times per day. Especially I’ll avoid working on the game to give me the chance to mentally recharge. I’ll probably do at least a tiny bit of recreational programming, which might be directed at the ThriveDevCenter / new main website, but please don’t assume I’m back if you see stuff going on there. And also don’t expect it to be directed there, I’ll entirely do whatever I feel like during my time off. Even though I’ll be trying to stay away, I’ll still be available (most of the time) in cases of real emergencies like our websites going down or some kind of malicious attack.

In order to try to find someone to take up at least some of the stuff I’m doing so that everything doesn’t grind to a halt for a month, I started a new thread:


Enjoy your vacation

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Update: I’m back now.

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I have returned after my long hiatus due to life and work commitments. Hopefully this doesn’t happen again because I love the game and want to continue contributing to its development. My book is also in the stage where I don’t need to give much more input before release.


I’ve shared this in Discord briefly, but to formally alert everyone, wartime in Gaza is effecting my emotional health immensely. My overseas family is out of immediate harms way (and isn’t in Gaza), but I’ll likely be low activity for a certain amount of time, as for now it’s hard for me to have creative energy or nonetheless stay sane. To the community: if anyone is being effected by this conflict, I sincerely wish for your health and peace.


Come January, I’ll be resuming my university enrollment on top of workplace obligations, and thus my activity will significantly diminish for some time.

I will try and find room in my day to write our progress updates still, but there is a strong possibility that I may be unavailable at times. Thus it would be nice to have someone on hand to take over such duties should I be unable on a particular week.


I suppose if no one else can step up, I’ll need to be ready to make the PUs. Maybe this will finally get me to find the time to do the main website reimplementation, where I have plans for post templates etc. that would make it much faster to pump out basic PUs.

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I’ve been pretty inactive for a while so might as well put a post here to let everyone know that due to real life stuff and commitments I won’t be able to put effective time and focus on Thrive, make or check PRs and other things for an indefinite amount of time. I may still chip in a little bit of work on the multiplayer project whenever time allows.


I’ll be away from home and thus my PC from late tomorrow to the 25th. I’ll try to squeeze in some work tomorrow to get sprinting mechanics to a more play-testable state and finish up some other stuff. I’ll still be active on Discord and on the forums and I’ll probably be making some wiki edits (and maybe some code review if needed) but don’t expect me to be available all the time.


A lot has slipped on my plate rather suddenly so I might be inactive for a month or two. I’ll still be around and will likely be able to contribute to some conversations on the forums, but probably won’t be as attentive to conversations on Discord. If you really want input on something, do ping me.